Solar power
Since February 2024, we have 466 solar panels in operation. They produce an average of 200 MWh per year, equivalent to the annual consumption of about 57 families combined. In 2025, we plan a second phase with the installation of additional solar panels. Thanks in part to our solar panels, we will be able to meet a substantial part of our own energy needs. An important step in our sustainability policy.
Wind energy
In April 2023, our wind turbine was commissioned, an important step in making our company and the port even more sustainable. Built in cooperation with Luminus, the wind turbine is 135m high and provides an annual production of 10,000 MWh.
Water management
Water is used on our site for various purposes: as cooling water, process water, wash water.... Finally, we also have a waste water stream from this. Our waste water is treated in the effluent to remove impurities and flow back to the Ghent-Terneuzen canal. Using daily analyses, our wastewater is closely monitored.
Energy management
With the goal of becoming a 100% carbon-neutral production site, we have several ongoing initiatives, both within our production process and in our overall corporate vision. For instance, our company vehicles and forklifts are 100% electric and we have installed 18 public charging stations in our car park. An energy audit every 3 years ensures that we continue to strive to reduce our ecological footprint.
Circular economy
Besides using by-products from other industries in our production process, we ensure that we process and reuse as much as possible in our own production. For example, we produce sulphuric acid used in the chemical industry and our slag is used in road construction. Our goal is to recycle 100% of our waste by 2030.
Green buffer zones
As a company, we are aware of the impact we have on the environment around us. For instance, we participate in the Eco² project in which - in cooperation with local authorities and farmers - we try to plant as many green zones as possible. We also work on expanding green zones on our site every year.